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Statistics & Trends

For the first time, arrivals from India exceeded 400,000, marking a significant achievement for Tourism Australia.

An Agoda survey reveals 84% of Thai travelers prioritize sustainable travel, with financial incentives, sustainable packages, and clearer guidelines identified

Skyscanner's latest Horizons report showcases changing travel preferences in APAC, with a focus on closer destinations and planning ahead.

January 2024 saw significant growth in international passenger and cargo traffic for Asia Pacific airlines, driven by demand around the

During the recent Chinese New Year holiday, China witnessed a significant increase in outbound tourism, with 3.6 million overseas trips.

Discover more about contactless payment methods. While traveling, you can consider using these methods to make payments. Learn more here.

The latest Airport Industry Outlook shows a positive trend in the recovery of passenger traffic and airport finances, with Asia-Pacific

Projected to exceed 6 billion domestic trips in 2024, China's tourism sector is poised for historic growth, signaling a robust

Malaysia expects a 53.9% surge in inbound travel during the Chinese New Year period compared to last year, with a

There are many Asian casino destinations where they can test their luck for a relatively decent price.
