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HomeGolf Tourism (Page 13)

Golf Tourism

A new strategy targeting international golf tourists aims to boost the sector's current estimated annual expenditure from $145 million to

A strong lineup of world-class golfers including Daniel Chopra of Sweden has eye on the championship of the first Resorts

The Awards Ceremony was run in association with Travel Channel and presented by well-known TV presenter, Jenny Powell.

The three world-class golf courses on Vietnam's Central Coast have each won a major award at ceremonies in Hanoi and

TripTide uses a revolutionary combination of technology and social media to create a multi-dimensional resource for both the travel industry

Malaysia demonstrates how the best of Asia comes alive with its diverse food, leisure and lifestyle offerings.

The resort is easily accessible within a 60 minute car ride from Da Nang International airport, which is fed by

DAFZA plays a vital role in facilitating commercial ties between international trade partners and the UAE by developing investment opportunities

The national carrier entices golfing pros with a free sports luggage policy.

Now the authority and its key industry stakeholders are looking to hone the momentum with a seven-strong delegation participation at
