It is business as usual in Penang, after Sunday’s unprecedented tidal wave incident at Batu Feringghi…
It is business as usual in Penang, after Sunday’s unprecedented tidal wave incident at Batu Feringghi.
According to the Honourable Dato’Leo Michael Toyad, Malaysia’s Tourism Minister, life in Penang is back to normal. It’s business as usual and tourists are up and around enjoying their vacation. He said this at a media conference soon after he had made a site inspection to the area affected by tsunami, to get a first hand brief on the current situation in Penang.
Post tsunami site inspection revealed that the damage to the affected area was minimal and short-termed. The Minister applauded the local community and authorities for their quick response, support and esprit de corps in times of need in particular the National Disaster Management and Relief Committee (Federal, State and District levels), Penang State Tourism Action Council, the Malaysian Association of Tours and Travel Agents (MATTA), Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH Penang Chapter), Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and all other organizations and individuals for bringing a quick recovery to Penang.
To date, preliminary findings revealed that;
- Malaysia Airlines’ flights are operating as scheduled and there has been no cancellation of flights to Malaysia
- hotel occupancy is above 75% in Penang
- although initially there were minor cancellations of hotel bookings, most tourists vacationing in Penang are extending their stay
- tourist attractions on the island are not affected
- MATTA Penang Chapter highlighted that some of its members have been receiving an increase in business diverted from other affected regions whilst cancellations have been minimal
Malaysia remains to be a safe destination for tourists, safe from the direct effects of the tsunami aftershocks since it is sheltered by the island of Sumatra and not directly exposed to the Indian Ocean.