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MyCEB and the business events industry support the Majlis Pemulihan Negara (MPN) statement that the government should set a definite

The World Tea and Coffee Expo 2022 to enhance the region’s industry “from local to global”.

Mrs. Supawan Teerarat, Senior Vice President of Thailand Conference & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) talks at TravelDailyNews Asia-Pacific regarding Thailand's MICE

The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre was also recently invited by the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) to put forward

The programme aims to provide motivation and ‘tour operator support’ to tourism industry players in Sabah and Labuan to further

This year will mark the eleventh year of participation at the prominent tradeshow and the first time Malaysia is participating

TCEB President Mr. Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya talks, in an interview with TravelDailyNews Asia-Pacific, about TCEB's plan for the sustainable

During the programme, the faculty speakers said that it is crucial for the industry players to put emphasis on the

 “Meet in Malaysia” campaign is MyCEB’s brainchild to captivate engagement with the national business events industry and power its move

Under TCEB’s proposal, limits on a venue’s operating hours and number of attendees will be relaxed. Trade fair centres, convention
