Meanwhile, because TT Industry is very complex and growing at a fast pace, even the developed formations of World TTI can hardly follow the variances and cannot succeed in adaptation of standard techniques & measures.
Within the recent decade it is evident that ‘the global Travel & Tourism Industry (TTI) is firmly growing’ and both UNWTO & WTTC are performing perfect guidance for all countries. But we need further related net evaluations, such as; Within the efforts of these esteemed NGO’s, rhe vital message has not been yet realized and/or taken in due consideration by the ‘related parties and Total TTI stakeholders’ of the World.
This unrealized core message is “the Governments to give due attention at supporting measures for healthy growth of National TTIs, within the concepts of ‘public-private’ partnership and NGO Governance” to be effected. Following the related developments on global scale, we can clearly identify this missing dialogue, which covers a vital importance of attaining a balanced and prosperous efficient growth of TTI, covering all nations.
In fact, this is not only a matter of the tourism related economies but all of the nations, since today with the rise of TTI, every single national government are closely interested by tourism economy on macro scale. Meanwhile, because TT Industry is very complex and growing at a fast pace, even the developed formations of World TTI can hardly follow the variances and cannot succeed in adaptation of standard techniques & measures.
Global TTI: Top change issues of regional share transfers
Here, we have a top theme which is a perfect example of this situation on Global TTI’s current concern. This is simply the ‘TT share transfer of West to East’ which was expected to be realized within this current decade. It was clearly declared by the experts that ‘Asian destinations will grow faster and take important pieces of pie from the European shares’ which is actually in the process of effective realization, just within the current years.
Of course, ‘the big brother NGOs’ have also given figures on the magnitude for this event. But since this is a sensational change with top commercial effects that will be realized as a ‘global warming’ impact, here we are presenting a short-cut analysis covering the main details. Actually the original World destinations are classified in 12 regions, where we simplified this into 4 and clearly analyzed what actually happens in two decades.
The following table is giving extraordinary clues on the Dynamic TTI Analysis of 181 Countries within a 20 years perspective. Actually the source data of 181×30 Years matrices can give more details but we are focused on the main theme only. The top flash is “the realization of 11,5% Share transfer from “Europe/Americas (WEST)” to “Asia/Africa-ME (EAST)” where major part of this is received by 32 Asia/Oceania Countries as 10%.
The most impressive results of this analysis can be summarized as: Within the current decade, the global tourism receipts are expected to grow by 85%, where Western destinations are expected to realize a growth below this average, which results “a net transfer of 1,5 TnUSD share from the West to the East”. The major of this to be received by 8 Asian Tigers and the Lion’s share goes to China as an unrivalled Leader, dominating the market.
Listing details in regional shares and priorities of 8 leaders are as follows; China (50%), Japan (17%), India (10%), Australia (7%), Indonesia (4%), S.Korea (3%), Taiwan (2%), Philippines (1%). The respective percentages of these countries varifies the internal distribution of the current decade’s shares of 10.621 BnUSD in total. China is the absolute leader of 8 Tigers, enjoying a 5.2 TnUSD jump from the recent, to 6,6 TnUSD on the current decade.
Within total Asian perspective, the rest of 24 Countries’ share is only %7 of the current decade, where Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, Pakistan are the further 4 countries in this line. It should be considered that, at present the 4 years of ‘current decade’ has been realized and these figures were the estimated projections of WTTC on 2012 Global Report, where more recent delicate analyses must be expected.
Top impact issues of Global TT industry developments
In perspective of recent years, it is all clear that World is becoming more compact in size but with further more activated tourism populations and far more rising interests on TTI operations, closely interrelated with a complex set of hot competitions in sub-sectors. In parallel to the realized details of change factors, it is also certain that ‘the Supply and Demand shall meet at more hot and critical stages’ which needs far more expert TTI Kitchens.
This delicate and vital reality should be rather concentrated within ‘macro TTI concepts’ of national levels of proficiency, since company sized energetic efforts are constantly exercised in traditional agenda. Because the rise of Global TT and related rate of interactive services production will boom, where much more attention is needed for the sensitive health of TTI to be provided. Within these complex perspectives, there is much macro tasks to cover!
Returning to the previously marked point of ‘Governments to be more conscious on TTI matters’ is now much more critical, that ‘they must do their homework far better than before’ to provide more efficiency for growing cake share of all of the parties in concern. We underline the ‘new tourism’ fact that; TT was generally seen as a ‘narrow sector’ and now this vision must be altered into ‘multi sectoral industry’ in need of highest coordination.
In order to facilitate these ‘recently arising concepts and procedures’ to be effectively built and rapidly realized, we also wish to call the attention of UNWTO Authorities on the recent decade’s concept of Destination Management Organization (DMO) which has been softened within last 5 years. It is a reality that, this was very hard to inject initially but with this pace of development and state of growth, now it is the perfect time to recampaign this facility.
A final but vitally important approach is “the macro economic effect of TTI” on the national economies. Because tourism can hardly be approached as a particular narrow sector, the Governments are widely considering only the ‘foregn exchange earnings’ within their national budgets or balance sheet national tables. As it is perfectly reported with WTTC-TSA Statistics, they must realize the astonishing triple macro effect on GDPs.
We must also underline a didactic development that reflects the interactive character of TTI as; Recently West is very interested with booming Chinese tourists, but CN will soon become the world leader of receipts within this change! The most success will come to those, who can best adapt to the rapid growth! Wishing more efficient and effective Global TTI growth, that inevitably generates more prosperous shares to all nations in the nearest future.
Zafer Cengiz has gained extraordinary experiences within Turkish Tourism development as multi-disciplinary expert and recently supporting professional media on ‘macro analyzed articles’ within the recent Decade.
He is a mediatic activist on patiently advocating the Turkish Tourism Strategy, as a member of Turkish Journalists Association TUYED in Istanbul.