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Statistics & Trends

International travel restrictions were loosened from 11 November, although outbound travel for non-essential reasons is still strongly discouraged, and outbound

As of 5 December, Adelaide’s highest occupancy on the books is during the Gather Round on 14 and 15 April,

Lion City accounts for 24% of WA arrivals in September quarter.

Globally, searches for international flights to Hong Kong and onwards to the Chinese Mainland also recorded an 89% increase week-on-week.

Thailand tourism market is expected to face a tough rebuild as all the covid travel curbs ends from July 2022.

Rising costs of travel, catching Covid-19 while on holiday among the top concerns of travelers in Asia. Over 80% of

Sydney recorded 27 days of occupancy levels above 70%, with the highest occupancy occurring on 12 November (90.5%) and 19

A survey commissioned by Airbnb* found that four in five Thai adults intend to travel to Japan. More than a

Visitors from China to Hong Kong have been declining since a couple of years due to the recent unrest in
