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HomeColumnsDestination Portrait14. Explore Mekong – Seasonality & Climate

14. Explore Mekong – Seasonality & Climate

The GMS generally has two seasons a dry and a wet one: for Cambodia, Central Myanmar, Laos Thailand and Southern Vietnam, the dry season is the best travel time with blue skies and slightly milder temperatures from early November to late February. March and April turn to be the hottest months of the year before the kick-off the wet season from May to October. Rainiest days are generally from mid/late August to late October. In Central and Southern Myanmar, temperatures can easily reach 40° in March or April.

Hanoi and North Vietnam have a distinct winter and summer season. Winter can turn cool and humid between November and March with temperatures going down sometimes to 10° and even less…. However, the weather remains dry mostly until April. Weather is generally very hot and humid between May and July while the wet season lasts from July to September. Similar weather conditions and temperatures can be observed in Guangxi. July to September are the hottest and rainiest months.

Myanmar Northern Part is influenced by the Himalayan mountains offering cool weather during the dry season and very hot summers from April to July.

In Yunnan, weather is generally mild in summer and cool in winter with cooler temperatures close to the Himalayan mountains (Lijiang). Jinghong has the best weather conditions from October to June.

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