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HomeWorld Tourism Organization (Page 9)

World Tourism Organization

The collaboration between UNWTO and GIFT will include research on the role of Asia and the Pacific in global tourism, and

The conference will showcase the vital role of environmentally sustainable and socially responsible tourism development, in the area of water-based

The PCPE aims to promote the sustainable development of tourism in China and to provide a platform for communication and

The Digital Innovation Asia event included presentations on social media and online publishing in the morning highlighting the concept of

Industry thought leaders meet to discuss route development and other key issues affecting the region.

This event aims to promote new tourist routes and products with Sichuan cultural diversity and characteristics, especially Jianmen Shu Path-Three

The two year full-time MBA course will equip students with professional management skills to suit the requirements of the burgeoning

UNWTO leads Bohol Tourism Recovery Roadmap to bring back Bohol on the world tourism stage.

New marketing office will help Kuoni Group Travel Experts market travel to the fourth most populous city and surrounding areas

Asia-Pacific has been at the forefront of tourism growth and development over the last decade, and recent numbers confirm that tourism
