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Statistics & Trends

Visitors arriving by air route to Nepal during March 2007 witnessed another encouraging upsurge with 33.5% growth registered during the

Structural changes stirring in the Chinese travel market for more than a decade are about to unleash a new generation

The success of Jetstar — Qantas’ low cost subsidiary — in capturing the domestic airline market has stalled the growth

India will be Asia’s fastest growing market for online travel retail by 2010, according to global market analyst Euromonitor International.

Short-haul travel within Asia Pacific is more popular than ever, with 90% of all outbound departures from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

Asian Tourist Boards must do more to target the growing number of Eastern European travellers, as the market analyst Euromonitor

Asia Pacific, more than any other region in the world, will benefit from the booming Chinese outbound tourism market, which

Visitor’s arriving to Nepal by air route, during the month of February 2007, observed a very positive upsurge in numbers,

It was another record breaking year as Malaysia registered 17.54 million visitors (17,546,863) in 2006, slightly surpassing the target of

A strong, consumption-driven economy, a large and increasingly affluent middle class, and the on-going liberalisation of air transport will contribute
