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Statistics & Trends

Research released from Virgin Holidays has found that almost a fifth (18%) of UK holidaymakers start suffering the symptoms of

The trade fair industry in Asia expanded by 8.7% in 2008 despite the weakening global economic environment according to the

The booking patterns for MICE groups and independent travellers have changed significantly due to the financial crisis, Great Hotels Organisation

In the battle for domestic travel dollars during the year ahead, the just-released Ypartnership  / Yankelovich 2009 National Travel MONITOR(SM)

Spain is the most popular summer destination for Brits followed by France, Italy, the USA and Turkey according to new

The U.S. resident outbound market, totaling 63.6 million travelers, declined by one percent in 2008 compared to annual 2007 figures,

In spite of the global economic slowdown, business travel seems to be holding up in Europe, and will do so

Concerns about the economy and personal finances have European workers rethinking holiday plans, according to a recent survey by CareerBuilder.
