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Statistics & Trends

Relaxing on holiday should be easy, but more than half of British travellers (55%) find it hard to switch off

Empty nesters are still enjoying the same overseas holiday experiences as they did in their youth - according to research

By 2020 every second vacationer will be over 50 years of age, according to the researchers at ADAC Reisemonitor -

Nearly three quarters of the UK population (73%) are reducing spend on their holidays this year, far more than recent

As travellers attempt to stretch their holiday pounds further, an increasing number are turning to holiday home rentals for everything, the world's leading online travel site, released the summer issue of the Expedia Travel Trendwatch. This issue of the

Corporate travel trends to emerge in the first few months of 2009 for Asia Pacific indicate companies are starting to

Forget the traditional two week honeymoon - recession busting ‘minimoons’ are the latest hit with newlyweds. research has revealed

Airline investment in IT is set to reach a new low this year as aircraft operators cope with unprecedented financial
