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HomeAustralia & N.ZealandPerth secures international child abuse convention

Perth secures international child abuse convention

The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) Asia Pacific Regional Conference is expected to attract 1,200 delegates to the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre in mid November, 2009. The Perth Convention Bureau worked closely with the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN), which is based in Sydney, to secure the Asia Pacific conference.


The Acting Executive Officer of NAPCAN, Ms Marie Fox, announced Perth’s successful bid at the 11th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect on the Gold Coast in Queensland today.

A $100,000 cash and in-kind sponsorship package offered by the WA Department of Community Development played a major role in helping to bring the conference to Perth, along with a $40,000 sponsorship incentive from the Bureau.

The Bureau’s Executive Chairman Graham Muir said the conference was expected to inject more than $2.55 million in direct delegate expenditure into the State’s economy.

“This is an excellent return on the State’s investment, particularly given the focus that is currently taking place surrounding the issue of child abuse and neglect in our community,” he added.

Mr Muir said that the Bureau’s $40,000 sponsorship package had come from the special Convention Bid Fund that was provided by the State Government to attract large international conferences to WA.

He added: “The ability to be able to offer these kinds of incentives to associations to bring their conferences to Western Australia can make the difference between us securing their event or it going to another destination.”

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