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Statistics & Trends

Tourism and campaign Incredible India wore Taj Mahal on its logo but the Mughal age wonder remained

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) announced a Bt953 million package to stimulate the

Forty-four days of `rugby mania` has dominated Australia`s summer this October and November

Given the events of 2003, many Asian hoteliers will no doubt be pleased that the year is nearly over

According to the China National Tourism Administration, more countries, including India, Cuba, Croatia, Jordan, Hungary and Pakistan, have been

A record 1.69 million visitors came to Hong Kong in October this year, the highest ever

International exhibitors and national tourism marketing boards have a given thumbs up to

Although the economy is slowly rebounding, it appears that U.S. corporations remain cautious with their

Number of foreign tourist visiting Indonesia`s popular resort island of Bali last October was recorded at

Total Australian overseas travel in the month of September 2003 was recorded at 354,306 - representing an increase of less
