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Statistics & Trends

Figures just released from Statistics New Zealand show the number of visitors to New Zealand increased by 7.1 percent this

Sydney is the favourite travel destination for Australian travellers in 2006, according to statistics released by an online accomodations

Intelligent Spas found spa numbers in Malaysia have grown over 200% since 2002, identifying 151 spas currently operating and another

The number of patients traveling to Singapore for medical treatment has risen 20 percent in 2006, according to new figures

Visitors` inflow to Nepal by air for the month of November 2006 recorded an increase of 6.9% compared to the

Thailand has been named “The Best Country Brand” in terms of value for money in a global study by FutureBrand,

The effects of world instability and high oil prices are the key challenges facing the Australian tourism industry during the

A new study released by the UNWTO shows how the economic importance of tourism extends to the Meetings Industry. The

REPORT-LONDON-WTM 2006: China has signed up to join the travel revolution which has spread over the world in the past

American Express Business Travel reported year on year sales growth in excess of 20 percent in most key markets across
