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Statistics & Trends

"Was your hotel worth the money?" This was the question investigated by, the free online hotel reservation service for

In a statement, Mr Robert Bailey, President and CEO of Abacus International, Asia’s leading travel facilitator, expressed cautious optimism for

The price is the decisive factor: increasingly the choice of destination is determined by the travel budget. According to the

Eighty-eight per cent of tourists would not return to the same hotel where they had contracted an illness or had

Travellers will be able to hire clothes for their holiday instead of lugging heavy baggage to the airport in a

When it comes to eating abroad, the Brits aren't known for their adventurous appetite. While holidaying overseas, many bypass the

Hotel revenue managers worldwide are looking for ways to maintain rates and avoid price wars, according to a new survey

In recent years, research has shown that a new "sophisticated" traveller, naturally more aware of global responsible principles in their

If you want to enjoy your holiday, you’d better pick your travelling partners carefully. According to travel search site, Skyscanner

Airports Council International reports that global traffic in June 2009 was down by 5 percent compared to June 2008. Although
