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Statistics & Trends

Travel industry research authority, PhoCusWright Inc., reports that travel Web sites are performing well in the midst of the broader

REPORT - PATA Travel Mart - HANGZHOU: Asia Pacific travelers stretch their travel budgets by shopping at duty free stores,

With 60% of UK corporate and 54% of association buyers citing reduced budgets as their key concern for the next

One in four holidaymakers do not trust travel agents, according to an independent survey of over 2,000 consumers by Opinion

As 2009 becomes the year of the credit-crunched traveller, specialist long-haul tour operator, Tropical Sky, has seen some interesting changes

Travel agents are an essential link in the distribution of travel and tourism products, viewed as trusted experts who deliver

Business is fueled by relationships; there is no replacement for face-to-face meetings and conferences when it comes to generating new
