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As well as the Songkran Splendours: Amazing Songkran 2017, TAT is also supporting Thai New Year celebrations in 14 other

Upcycling the Oceans is a global effort initiated by the Ecoalf Foundation to help clean the oceans of debris and

In the first quarter of 2017 (January-March), TAT expects Thailand to welcome 9.2 million international visitors and generate 490 billion

The Beijing-Phuket route is being promoted under a "Phuket Express" campaign, leveraging the fact that tourists and travellers from China

The Good Host Programme is an initiative that provides extra training for public and private sector employees.

The incentive website includes an "Exclusive Experience" page featuring a wide variety of activities visitors can experience in Japan as

After the Wai Kru ceremony, the international Muay Thai fighters were treated to a welcoming reception and the dynamic "Amazing

The Ayutthaya "Kizuna" Ekiden 2017 attracted about 400 four-member teams with each member of the team running three kilometres each

The Awards are designed to reward the commitment and dedication of tour operators as well as travel agents and travel

The annual event will bring more than 400 export tourism leaders to Western Australia this November. Meeting Place will take
