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Middle East

Gulf Air is reinstating its flights to Tanzania`s tropical paradise island of Zanzibar

Recently at the new Grand Hyatt Hotel in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Mr. Kanok Abhiradee, Thai Airways International`s

Global passenger traffic declined sharply in March 2003 over March 2002 according to data from a sample of

Compared to 2001, which saw Hilton`s International entry into the top 10 following the purchase of Scandic and Marriott International

VIP International Corporation, announced the signing of 167 new clients during the first quarter of 2003

With military operations underway in Iraq, the airlines need to work quickly and closely with governments, regulatory bodies and

International tourism is resilient enough to recuperate relatively quickly if the war in Iraq is not drawn out

The war in Iraq comes at a time when the airlines, having accumulated $30 billion of losses since 9/11

With armed conflict looming over Iraq, all parties involved in air transport have now put into place planned additional

Provisional figures for January saw all major regions posting positive results with most
