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Statistics & Trends

Early 2004 statistics for international visitor arrivals (IVAs) to 30 Asia Pacific destinations show 21% growth

The number of foreign tourist arrivals in Thailand is expected to reach 12 million at the end of this year

The peak summer travel season, which lasts from the beginning of July to the end of August

Argentine President Nestor Kirchner said earlier this week that his country will simplify related visa procedures

In the southern hemisphere, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, share more than a history in the British Empire

After the peak of 2000, the Japanese outbound travel were declining, with a heavy plunge last year, mainly due to

A survey by MasterCard International in Shanghai shows over 24 million Chinese tourists are expected to visit four major Asian

At the current rate of increase, over 24.3 million tourists

New Zealand tourism is bouncing back after a 100 million NZ dollars

China`s tourism administration reported 8.7747 million tourists from outside the Chinese mainland visited the mainland
