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While Indonesia was the worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami waves with an estimated 80,000 deaths in Nangroe Aceh

iExplore announced the list of Top Ten World Travel Destinations as determined by the vacation purchases of its adventure and

As the death toll in the aftermath of the tragic earthquake continues to rise, another disaster unfolds in the form

China`s tourism industry rebounded strongly in the wake of SARS last year, with a nearly

China on Saturday reported sharp increases in the number of foreign tourists and tourism dollars in the first 11 months

Thailand estimates that the tourist industry in Thailand`s southern Andaman provinces will lose ten billion baht a month

East China`s Zhejiang Province, home to such renowned scenic spots as the West Lake, earned more than 100 billion yuan

The number of tourists visited Lumbini reached 37892 in 2004 showing an increase by 35.07% in 2004

Tourism officials on Thailand`s southern island of Phuket called on the government to launch a marketing offensive to pull visitors

The earthquake and series of tsunamis causing cataclysmic impact to the countries bordering the Indian Ocean have
