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Statistics & Trends

Singapore welcomed record growth in the number of visitors from Europe. In 2007, close to 1.3 million European visitors travelled

The UK was among Singapore’s top five visitor-generating markets in February, with 51,000 visitors, a 1% increase on 2007. The

Commissioned by TTG Asia Media, Euromonitor International has once again conducted the China-wide research project to rank the country 's

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is forecasting robust growth for travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific region, with

The preliminary results for 2007 traffic, based on the regular monthly reports of total traffic from over 870 airports and

New figures released show that international tourists delivered a $23.3 billion boost to the Australian economy in 2007, a six

New figures confirm that despite a record year last year for international tourism to Australia, with 5.6 million international visitors
