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Statistics & Trends

What a difference a year makes. In Feb-2009, the airline industry was reeling. International passenger and freight demand down

A new report from the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) in association with SITA, the specialist in air

The spread of British bars and chip shops has led to the Britification of Spain’s coastal towns and has eroded

Benchmark Hospitality International, the leading privately held hospitality management company in the United States, which operates 30 award-winning

The SITA 2010 Baggage Report reports a drop of 23.8% in the number of air passengers’ bags mishandled last year, resulting

Consumers are changing the way they book holidays according to Great Hotels Organisation, the London-based hotel sales and marketing alliance.

Turkey is set to take a slice of summer tourists from rival Greece following a recent spate of negative publicity

What makes a holiday special or a hotel stay unique? Trying out new cuisines and enjoying a break from the

Abacus, Asia’s leading provider for travel solutions and services recently completed the Abacus Merchandising Survey 2010 interviewing Asian airline executives.
