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HomeAustralia & N.ZealandyBC goes to Chicago for the Alterian Engaging Times Summit

yBC goes to Chicago for the Alterian Engaging Times Summit

  • Hear from some of the world’s top engagement experts
  • Gain insight, inspiration and advice

This August, yBC’s Mark Sinclair went to Chicago to hear from industry experts on engagement. The Alterian summit gathered together many of the world’s best engagement specialists and discussed the benefit of working with, and analysing marketing data.

“Today, if you don’t pay attention to your customer engagement then what that means is you’re not paying attention to the conversation…”Don Peppers
All of the big brands like Pepsi, Coca-cola and Proctor & Gamble are investing significant marketing spend into growing their social profile and more importantly – listening to what their customers are saying about their brand.

For more tips on customer engagement watch the video below.


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